
How Do I Cope With a Relapse?

March 30th, 2021

A relapse is when an individual returns to an addiction such as alcohol or drugs after a period of sobriety. Relapse can be a humiliating and frustrating experience for those in recovery from any problem habit. Relapsing can leave a person feeling guilty and ashamed, and tempted to return to the unwanted habits and just continue with the addiction. This blog contains some great tips on how to cope with a relapse.

Go to a specialist right away: This can be a school counsellor, therapist, teacher, doctor, or social worker. The sooner you see a professional the faster you will cope with your problem and relapse and put it in perspective.
Get support: You should consider contacting a recovery coach or a counsellor to plan a face-to-face meeting even if it is through video conferencing. If you can’t go to an expert in person, make a telephone call, email, or send a text. The crucial part is to reestablish contact and share your struggles.
Call a loved one: This step can be tough for you especially if you have hurt your loved ones or family members with your addiction. Support from your family and friends is important if you want to recover for good.
Return to treatment: If you are still struggling with your relapse you should return to a specialist for a thorough treatment. Be honest to your therapist so that you can be given the best advice to help you.
Be decisive: You should make a firm decision that you must come out from your problem. You need to focus on your goals and achievements but not to get stuck on a temporary setback.

The biggest lesson to learn here is that recovery from addiction is ongoing. A relapse is not the end of your recovery; a relapse can be merely a stumbling block in your road as you continue to recover.

Horizon Counselling, based in southern British Columbia, offers counselling and therapy for those suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma, and addictions. If you have any questions about this article or would like to schedule an appointment for counselling, please call us at (778) 869-3379.


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